
'섹시한 여선생'에 해당되는 글 1건

e Italian female teacher, who has become a target of criticism from parents for “being too sexy to be a teacher,” has been banned from teaching until she’s proven that she has stopped filming "kinky films," the online parody news Spoof reported on Friday.

Parents at the Catholic school in Milan where she teaches were outraged at her past career. She used to earn some money during her studies by starring in kinky films. But, it has ruined her teaching career eventually. Now she just wants to teach, leaving behind her past experience, said the Spoof. 

The British Daily Mail reported on Thursday that angry parents at an Italian school withdrew their pupil from the school, contending that a teacher is too sexy.

The teacher is a former beauty queen and is attending the prestigious Milan school  in Italy.

The parents' action came after Ileana Tacconelli, 28, who has three degrees and was a former model, recently caused a sensation by posting her racy photos and video footage of her on the internet.

Meanwhile, fathers of the school kids reportedly formed a group advocating the teacher while mothers are furious over the teacher.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322497/Ileana-Tacconelli-sexy-Parents-withdrew-pupil-Milan-Catholic-School.html#ixzz134HuNZQU

Watch the video clip: http://www.asylum.co.uk/2010/10/22/video-sexy-teacher-causes-a-stir-at-italian-school/


<한글 요약>

이탈리아의 한 카톨릭계 학교의 여교사가 너무 섹시하다는 이유로 학교에서 퇴출될 위기에놓였다. 

28살의 전직 모델출신의 일리나 타코넬리(28)은 전직 모델출신으로 밀라노에 있는 유명 카톨릭 고등학교에서 교사가 되었지만 학창시절 학비에 보태려 보탬이 되기 위해 찍은 야한 비디오가 인터넷에 유포되면서 학부모들이 여교사의 해고를 요구하고 나섰다. 일부 학부모들은 자녀를 다른 학교에 전학시키기도 했다. 

한편 여교사가 너무 섹시하다는 이유로 엄마들의 항의가 쏟아지고 있지만 반면 아빠들은 팬클럽까지 만들어 옹호하고 있다. 

이 여교사는 세 개의 학위를 보유하고 있으며 밀라노의 명문 카톨릭 고등학교에 교사로 취직했다.

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