Winternals ERD Commander 2007 ISO BOOTABLE
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Thursday, 16 October 2008
Winternals ERD Commander 2007 ISO BOOTABLE
1. ERD Commander 2007 (Bootable ISO)

When your server or workstation won't boot, you need ERD Commander 2007. ERD Commander 2007 boots dead systems directly from CD into a Windows-like repair environment. You'll have full access to the dead system's volumes, so you can diagnose and repair problems using tools located on the ERD Commander 2007 Start menu. And you'll have built-in network access to safely move data off of, or on to, the dead system. With ERD Commander 2007 you can repair a system quickly and easily, saving you time and rescuing your critical data.

Key features:
· Boots dead systems directly from CD
· Easy, familiar Windows-like interface
· Intuitive Solution Wizard helps you select the right tool to correct your system issue
· Includes Crash Analyzer Wizard to pinpoint the cause of recent system crashes for repair
· Allows complete disk sanitizing/data removal with Disk Wipe utility
· Includes the Locksmith utility to reset lost Administrator passwords
· Includes FileRestore so that you can quickly find and recover deleted files
· Provides access to XP Restore Points on unbootable Windows XP systems
· Detect malware and other applications that may be consuming system resources
· Includes an Internet browser to facilitate downloading needed files and patches
· Compares key info on unbootable systems with that of a working system for diagnosis and troubleshooting
· Automatically identifies and replaces critical system files that have become corrupt
· Allows for formatting and partitioning of disks
· Provides emergency removal capability for faulty hotfixes
· Built-in network access to safely copy data to/from dead systems
· Repair and diagnostic tools located on Start menu
· Repair tools include System Restore tool, System File Repair, Service and Driver Manager, Hotfix Uninstall Wizard, Locksmith, Registry Editor, Explorer, Disk Management, and Command Prompt
· Data recovery tools include Disk Commander and FileRestore
· Diagnostic tools include Crash Analyzer Wizard, System Compare, Autoruns, Event Log Viewer, System Information, TCP/IP Configuration, and Logical volumes utilities
· Compatible with Windows NT, 2000, XP,VISTA and Server 2003

2. Remote Recover
To repair an unbootable system via the network, choose Remote Recover. Remote Recover lets you use your network to access the disk drives on a remote machine exactly as if they were installed on your own system. You can boot a damaged system via CD, diskette or PXE-downloaded image, then access its drives remotely from your host Windows 2000, XP, or Server 2003 system. Once the remote systems volumes have been mounted, you can perform any operations on them as if they were local, including safely removing viruses using the antivirus software on your host machine while the infected machine is offline. Remote Recover does not require that an operating system be installed on the client machine in order to operate, so it can be used for performing installations on new machines in addition to repairing or restoring dead systems.

3. NTFSDOS Professional
If you need to access NTFS drives from MS-DOS, NTFSDOS Professional is the solution. NTFSDOS Professional allows you to create a boot diskette with which to boot NT systems. The diskette contains an MS-DOS environment where you can easily mount NTFS drives with drive letters and run DOS programs to read, write, repair, or otherwise modify the drives just as you would on FAT drives. You can run DOS-based antivirus software in the NTFSDOS environment to disinfect a system while the OS is safely offline. NTFSDOS Professional is a powerful tool to repair corrupt files or configuration problems that prevent Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003 systems from booting.

4. Crash Analyzer Wizard
You can quickly determine the most likely cause of a system crash using Crash Analyzer. This easy-to-use Wizard guides you through the steps of selecting the most recent system crash dump file, then reports on the driver that is most likely to have caused the crash, so that you can apply the appropriate changes to correct the issue or to prevent it from re-occurring.

5. FileRestore
FileRestore allows you to quickly and easily recover files that have been lost or deleted from your computer. FileRestore can bring back files that would otherwise be gone for good, including files emptied from the Recycle Bin, deleted by application programs and remote processes, lost with removed directories, or deleted via a command prompt.

6. Filemon Enterprise Edition
Troubleshoot issues associated with file system activity on any system on your network remotely with Filemon Enterprise Edition. Filemon provides a continuous, real-time display of all file system accesses occurring on a particular system. For remote troubleshooting of file system issues, there's not a more useful tool than Filemon.

7. Regmon Enterprise Edition
Diagnose problems associated with Registry activity on any system on your network remotely with Regmon Enterprise Edition. Regmon provides continuous, real-time data on the Registry activity occurring on a particular system. For remote diagnosis of Registry problem, there's not a more useful tool than Regmon.

8. AD Explorer
Find, modify, add, and delete Active Directory objects and attributes with AD Explorer. AD Explorer displays information in two panes. The Object Pane is the left-hand pane that displays Active Directory objects. The Attribute Pane is the right-hand pane that displays attributes of the object selected in the Object Pane.

9. Insight for Active Directory
Use Insight for Active Directory to troubleshoot conflicts that are occurring with mission-critical applications such as e-mail and messaging, databases, and CRM, and prevent access to corporate directories, system log-in, and File and Print sharing. Insight for Active Directory provides a real-time view of the internals of Active Directory transactions on the local machine so that you can pinpoint the precise cause of conflicts and resolve them.

10. TCP Tools
TCP Tools, which include TCPView Professional Edition and TCPVStat, are essential tools for network and application diagnosis and troubleshooting. TCP Tools displays all active TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, indicating which process is associated with each local and remote IP address and relaying continuous, detailed real-time data on your system's TCP/IP activity.

윈도우에 관련 강력한 툴로써 sysinternal에서 개발한 도구들로 생각할수 있으며, 보통 무료로 제공하는것으로 알려져 있습니다.


하지만 sysinternal사에 상용툴이 있다는 것!


그것은 바로 Winternals Administrator’s Park!!

100메가가 넘는 용량으로 관리자가 힘든 부분들을 모아놓은 도구로써 상용 프로그램입니다.

설치하면 다음과 같은 툴이 설치 됩니다.



Administrator’sPak Navigator

Crash Analyzer Wizard

ERD Commander 2005 Boot CD Wizard

Filemon Enterprise Edition


Insight for Active Directory

Regmon Enterprise Edition


그리고 원격 복구 도구인

Remote Recover

Remote Recover Client Boot CD Wizard



이중 가장 눈에 띄는 도구를 알려드리고자 합니다. 다른 세부적인 정보는 직접 확인하는게 빠르겠죠? ^^

이 툴은 Windows PE와 같은 CD Boot만으로 사용이 가능하여,
Windows PE를  따라한 긴급 부팅 시디 같지만 막강한 도구들로 무장되어 있으며 시스템 관리자가 장애에 효과적으로 맞설 수 있는 도구라 생각이 듭니다.


ERD Commander 2005 Boot CD Wizard


ERD2005로 부팅하기

처음 부팅하면 다음과 같이 자동으로 네트워크를 설정합니다. (부팅후에도 설정이 가능합니다.)

설정이 끝나면, 원격모드로 실행할지 로컬모드로 실행할지 묻는 화면이 나옵니다.

원격으로 복원하는 기능은 많은 기능을가지고 있지 않기 때문에(Windows XP의 복원기능을 원격으로 사용) ERD기능을 제대로 사용해 보고 싶다면 1번메뉴인 Run ERD Commander를 선택하시기 바랍니다.


Run ERD Commander를 선택하면 복구할 OS와 키보드 타입을 지정하게 되는데, 부팅 테이블의 정보에 따라 정보가 나옵니다. 여기서 선택후 OK를 누르면 해당 운영체제의 이벤트 로그와 레이스트리를 자동으로 하이브로 연결하고 드라이브를 매핑하여 주여서 시스템이 부팅이 되지 않거나 REGEDIT문제가 있을 때 더욱 효과적이고 편리하게 사용할수 있습니다.

Administrative Tools
은 현재 복구를 선택한 운영체제의 시스템 정보와 서비스 상태 이벤트 로그등을 확인할수 있고 수정도가능합니다. 전 영문 운영체제로 해서 그런지 한글이 나오는 정보에는 깨지더군요, 원래 영문만 지원하는지는 확인하지 않았습니다.


<Autoruns 실행시 화면>

두번째 메뉴인 Networking Tools는 네트워크 드라이브를 매핑하거나 파일을 공유하여 백업 및 복원을 좀더 편리하게 도와줍니다. Tcp/ip Configuration은 현재 구성된 네트워크 환경을 변경할수 있습니다.


그리고 System Tools는 파일 복구, 설치한 문제점 있는 핫픽스 제거등 유용한 도구들이 들어 있으며, 메인 메뉴의 Console도 매우 유용한 툴입니다.


실행시 화면>


자동으로 드라이브를 매핑함

그리고 마법사의 Step by Step으로 진행되는 Solution Wizard 메뉴역시 여러분의 장애를 해결하는데 도움을 줄것이라 생각합니다.

더 많은 기능들이 있지만 해당 기능들은 여러분들이 직접확인하여 체험해 보셨으면 합니다.

백번 읽는것보다 한번 해보는게 낫다는 말은 컴퓨터에서는 엄청나게 공감가는 말이라는 것 잘 아시죠?

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금태양 金太陽

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